
Arbitration & ADR Institutions

Maxwell Chambers

Maxwell Chambers is the world's first integrated dispute resolution complex, housing both best-of-class hearing facilities as well as top international Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) institutions.  Centrally positioned in the heart of Singapore's business district, Maxwell Chambers is located in the former Customs House, a refurbished four-storey conservation building with a stately neo-classical façade.

Maxwell Chambers has 23 custom-designed hearing rooms and preparation rooms, with the largest room able to accommodate some 140 people.  Maxwell Chambers offers:

  • Confidentiality - 24-hour building security, individual keycard access to acoustically-treated rooms where documents can be left overnight, and trained staff who understand ADR and the need for confidentiality.
  • Comfort - High quality and fully adjustable chairs, deep tables with built-in plug sockets, mobile shelves for files, and the exclusive Arbitrators´ Lounge with complimentary refreshments and reading materials.
  • Convenience - Fully equipped rooms and a suite of supporting services including transcription, interpretation, audio-visual capability, video-conferencing, tele-conferencing, and a Business Centre.  Catering can be provided, or users can visit a wide range of food and beverage outlets on the ground floor.

Maxwell Chambers is also home to the regional offices of some of the world´s most established ADR institutions:

  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC)
  • International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the international division of the American Arbitration Association (AAA)
  • Arbitration and Mediation Centre of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)
  • Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)

In addition, several eminent local and foreign arbitrators have set up shop in the building, including Professor Lawrence Boo, Mr Gerard Forlin QC, Professor Bernard Hanotiau, Mr Christopher Lau SC, and Mr David Williams QC, as well as barristers from top London Chambers - One Essex Court, 20 Essex Street, 39 Essex Street, and Essex Court Chambers.


Singapore International Arbitration Centre

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) was established in July 1991 as a not for profit non-governmental organisation to meet the demands of the international business community for a neutral, efficient and reliable dispute resolution institution in Asia. The SIAC is committed to complete neutrality and independence in its role as an international arbitral institution.

Integrity, fair rules and procedures, efficiency and competence are key to SIAC´s success.

SIAC´s case management functions are overseen by a Court of Arbitration that comprises luminaries in the international arbitration arena. SIAC´s corporate management and other functions are overseen by a Board of Directors comprising of senior members of the legal and business communities.

With an international case management team hailing from different jurisdictions including Belgium, Canada, China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and the UK who have specialised experience and knowledge of the region, SIAC is devoted to serving all its users with a complete understanding of their needs.

As an institution administering arbitrations, SIAC is committed to complete impartiality and transparency in all that it does for parties. Broadly, it helps parties in appointment of arbitrators when they cannot agree on an appointment; management of the financial and other practical aspects of arbitration; and facilitation of the smooth progress of arbitration.

SIAC carries out these responsibilities according to its published rules of arbitration and guidelines as contained in practice notes published from time to time. SIAC seeks to promote the highest standard of conduct and delivery in all arbitrations conducted under its auspices.

The SIAC has an international panel of over 380 independent arbitrators with a spread of expertise, depth of knowledge and experience from over 32 different jurisdictions. 204 of those experts are based in the Asian region.

The SIAC has a proven track record in enforcement of awards. SIAC Awards have been enforced by courts in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, the UK, USA and Vietnam amongst other New York Convention countries.

The SIAC received a record new case load of 235 cases in 2012 up by 25% from the new case filings in 2011 and currently handles an active caseload of over 550 cases.


Singapore International Mediation Centre

The Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) was established in March 2014 as an independent, not-for-profit company, following the recommendations of the Working Group on International Commercial Mediation appointed by the Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon and the Ministry of Law. SIMC will provide world-class mediation services and products targeted at the needs of parties in cross-border commercial disputes, particularly those based in Asia.

SIMC hosts an experienced panel of internationally-respected mediators drawn from Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe as well as North and South America, including luminaries such as the best-selling author of Getting to Yes, Dr William Ury, and Singapore’s Ambassador-At-Large, Professor Tommy Koh.

SIMC will offer, amongst other things, professional appointing authority and case management services under the SIMC Mediation Rules. Mediation at SIMC will come with the unique benefit of enforceability as settlement agreements may be made consent awards under an Arb-Med-Arb Protocol between the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and SIMC.

Arb-Med-Arb is an innovative process offered by SIAC and SIMC, where a dispute is first referred to arbitration before mediation is attempted. If parties are able to settle their dispute through mediation, their mediated settlement may be recorded as a consent award. If parties are unable to settle their dispute through mediation, they may continue with the arbitration proceedings. The SIAC-SIMC Arb-Med-Arb Protocol combines the cost-effectiveness, flexibility and party-autonomy of mediation with the finality and enforceability of arbitration in a seamless and convenient procedure for the benefit of commercial parties.


Singapore Mediation Centre

Established in 1997, Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), is a premier mediation centre dedicated to the provision of commercial mediation services.

With a track record of having facilitated the resolution of more than 4,000 matters worth more than $9 billion, about 70% of cases that are mediated at SMC are settled, with 90% of them being resolved within one working day. From appointing a mediator, to arranging a date and venue for mediation and exchange of documents, to providing other administrative support, SMC ensures that mediation sessions are cost-efficient, smooth and stress-free.

SMC is one of four designated mediation service providers under the Mediation Act 2017. This means that mediated settlement agreements administered by SMC can be recorded and enforceable as a court order if both parties consent to it.

In addition to mediation, SMC also offers a suite of other alternative dispute resolution services such as adjudication under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act, neutral evaluation and domain name dispute resolution.

SMC also trains individuals on how to negotiate, mediate and manage conflicts.

Internationally, SMC played a key role in the formation of the Asian Mediation Association. SMC is also a founding member of the Netherlands-based International Mediation Institute, which sets out competency standards for mediators worldwide.

For more information on SMC, please visit


Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration

The Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration ("SCMA") is an independent body that provides a framework for maritime arbitration which is responsive to the needs of the maritime community. The SCMA has members from all sectors of the maritime community and from all countries.

The SCMA allows parties to choose their own arbitrators.  An application can be made to the Chairman of SCMA to appoint if the parties cannot agree on an appointment. There is also no mandatory scale of arbitrators´ fees. It is for the parties to agree the fees with the arbitrator.


Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre

The Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre ("FIDReC") is a one-stop impartial, independent and affordable avenue for consumers to resolve disputes with financial institutions for claims of up to S$100,000. It provides an ideal alternative for individuals and sole-proprietors who do not have the means to bring their cases to court or pay hefty legal fees.

The FIDReC dispute resolution process requires parties to resolve matters through mediation first, and then adjudication if they are not settled by mediation. The panel of adjudicators comprise judges, lawyers and industry professionals exprienced in the field. They adjudicate in their own capacity and are impartial and independent.

FIDReC also offers the Non-Injury Motor Accident (NIMA) Scheme which oversees disputes by claimants against insurance companies (not their own) in relation to non-injury motor accidents. The claimable amount is up to S$3,000.

For more information on FIDReC, please visit the Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre website.


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